Tuesday, September 29, 2009

IEPs and Such

We finally got Big Sis' Study Group meeting scheduled for next month. I've been researching IEPs and some of the 'To Dos' and 'To Knows' about the IEP process and being my child's advocate etc. As much as I want to believe in my heart that the school and the district have my child's best interest in mind, I have a voice in my head telling me that may not be the case.

Schools have no money, therefore they will avoid spending it if at all possible. She is on an inter-district transfer. They like transfers because that brings their school additional funds, unless you have special needs like IEP, modified curriculum or Resource, then you cost them money. It is very clear that any transfer can be revoked at any time. I understand that completely, but if it comes down to that I will not be leaving quietly. And- what I mean by that is I will do everything in my power to make sure I know my rights as a Parent, but more importantly, I will know what rights my daughter has to an education. One that will be taught in a way that allows her to learn.

After all, isn't it their JOB to teach children? Or is it only their job if the child learns in the way they say they should?!!! Ahhhh, this is so frustrating!

But I can tell you this... Sometimes I wonder what God's plans are for me. How will God use me to make this world a better place? I think God is answering me... Things can get tough and the situation forces me to use the skills God has given me..and sometimes it forces me to be still and listen.

Things are happening. I'm not sure what yet, but I trust God knows what he is doing and he blessed me with this for a reason. Yes I said blessed. Blessed because I am growing- in spirit and in strength. I have everything I need. He gave it to me a long time ago, I just didn't know what I was supposed to do with it....Now I know.

I am happy to say that with the exception of a few minor bumps Big Sis is doing very well adjusting to the 4th grade and her new Teacher. We are very excited for what this school year has for us and can't wait to share it with you.

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