Monday, August 31, 2009

Being an ADD/ADHD Parent

Neither my husband nor I have ever been diagnosed with ADD, but I would definitely say we exhibit all of the symptoms...finding it difficult to get organized and stay that way. We're always late. Procrastinators. Tasks that have a lot of steps or details are overwhelming and difficult for us to start much less follow through and finish. We are both go-getters and quick starters, but quickly run out of steam. Impulsive...We'll do things and worry about the details later. We call it spontaneous!

My husband says he remembers being this way all of his life. But back then you got a smack on the back of the head and were told to 'Straighten up! Stop daydreaming! Don't be lazy!'

I didn't necessarily have issues growing up, that I can remember anyway. I think I managed them out of necessity. My parents worked long hours like many parents do to give us the best they could. I didn't have a choice but to overcome my issues because there were no other options. Through our journey to understand our daughter's disorder, I have become more aware of my own symptoms and am beginning to see where I struggled harder than others to succeed. I just thought they were smarter.

At work I struggle on a regular basis to meet deadlines on administrative tasks. I literally dread doing them. Once I start, it's usually not a problem but getting there takes more effort than you know.

Where we're at now:

We are acknowledging our weaknesses and embracing our strengths.

We are finding ways to function that work for us- We aren't going to do things like other families. We may not be able to do as much. But we focus on the quality of what we do together, not how much we do. There were times when we packed our day with events, outings, crafts, paint, cleaning, cooking, biking, hiking, shopping. You name it! By the end we were all frazzled and our heads were spinning. It just doesn't work for Us.

We are simplifying- I cannot tell you how many unfinished projects, piles of laundry, half knitted scarves, etc. we have around the house. That item you just couldn't resist buying impulsively 'just in case'. Clutter makes us crazy, whether we realize it or not. It's draining! We actually started this out of necessity not choice. We were broke! Things were tight so we had a yard sale. Why not? There was no tellin' we had a lot of stored up STUFF!

We are working as a Team- I think this is the hardest one for us because when you have trouble with the thoughts in your head, you're sure to have trouble communicating them to someone else. Let alone another ADDer! :) Teamwork takes communication and lots of it!

For the sake of our kids (we have a three year old too) and our own sanity, we continue on our journey....come along with us. We have no idea where we're you? ;)